Infinite Recharge Autonomous Skills Challenge Q&A with EAOhms Programmers and Mentors - Feb 27 - Online - 7pm
If your team is tackling the Infinite Recharge at Home Autonomous challenges and is stuck or looking for some guidance, resources, and support, please join us online on Feb. 27 at 7pm for some live Q&A with FIRST Robotics Competition team 5276, the Edgar Allan Ohms and some of their mentors. The Edgar Allan Ohms has an exemplary team of programmers who successfully reverse engineered the FRC Field Management System over the summer, presenting to the Georgia FIRST Symposium on their project. The FMS was used during ROBOTICON Live Online, and is also operational at AMROC Fab Lab. The team is happy to share their strong programming skills with other teams wherever possible, to help them have as successful a season as possible.